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Clear flower jelly lesson


In this lesson, you will learn how to make elastic beanpaste (Shiroan) cream, and how to pipe the cream into flower shape. 
And then arrange the flowers in clear transparent jelly. 
Unlike normal beanpaste flower jelly, by using a specially formulated elastic bean cream, it is possible to make jelly of delicate flowers with less bubbles and turbidity. It can be cut into any shape and size you like, so it's perfect for parties and surprising gifts!
This 1-day class is open to both experienced and inexperienced students.
Gluten-free, dairy-free, and made with only plant-based ingredients.

You will learn

How to make elastic bean cream.
How to adjust cream to proper hardness.
How to pipe roses and waxflowers.
How to arrange flowers in a clear jelly.
How to reduce air bubbles and make it looks clear.

After taking the class, this lesson can be added as your classroom menu.
(You need to apply for a certificate after the class. (Additional USD50 will be charged.))

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Lesson fee

Please ask (depends on the teachers and style of the class)

If you wish to hold this lesson or selling jelly as pruducts, please apply for the certificate after taking the class. (additional USD50 will be charged)

what you will make

One big clear flower jelly(about 15cm size) plus one small jelly for tasting.

Lesson hours

about 4-5 hours

Things to bring

Apron , Insulated bag, writing utensil

How to apply for the certificate

After taking the lesson, please click the link below to go to the application page and fill in the required information to apply for a certificate.
You will receive an e-mail of payment request. 
After the payment is processed, we will send you the recipe data and a certificate by e-mail.
If you do not apply for a certificate, the recipe is assumed to be used within the non-commercial purposes such as personal enjoyent or gifts.
You will need to apply for the certificate within 2 months after taking the lesson. Please be careful not to forget as if the deadline has passed, you will need to take the lesson again.

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